Psychological Reports for Equity Release Protection

If you’re an Equity Release Firm looking to offer an extra layer of security and support, our experienced team of psychologists are here to offer psychological provision and protection when it comes to mental capacity and financial decisions.

Our in-house team of psychologists specialise in independent psychological reports, making sure they’re incredibly detailed and thorough with their appointments. We offer fast-turnaround, high quality comprehensive reports, and official COP3 assessments of capacity. Leaving no stone unturned, our expert team of psychologists can give the reassurance and security you and your clients need in the challenging landscape of equity release.

At UKIM you’re in safe hands, and we want to make sure that you always feel protected.

In A Nutshell…

  • Quick 15-day Turnaround: Quick triage-appointment-report times so that the process can be smooth and effective.
  • Psych triage all done in 1 day
  • Expert In-House Psychologists: We have our own in-house team of clinical psychologists ready to provide reports, answer questions, and address any concerns.
  • Enhanced Privacy and Security: Remote appointments provide comfort and ease for people, eliminating the stress of attending in-person sessions and making the experience as efficient and as comforting as possible.
  • Comprehensive Assessments: Our psychologists ensure all necessary psychological information is gathered remotely, including observations of eye contact (EMDR), facial/ physically visible presentations, so that they can complete a thoroughly detailed report.
  • Official COP3 Assessments: If needed, official government-use COP3 mental capacity assessments can be conducted for even further detail and support.


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